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Saturday, March 7, 2015

[Indonesia][Education][University] Universitas Islam Indonesia – Islamic University of Indonesia

     In 1945 the general assembly decided to form a high school masjoemi Islam. The public hearing was attended by the leaders of Islam, they are Dr. Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Natsir, Mr. Mohammad Roem, and KH. Wahid Hasyim. The decision to establish the exact STI on 8 July 1945 and on 28 July 1945, the STI started doing the learning. Currently UII integrated campus was moved to Yogyakarta.
     Now the Islamic University of Indonesia continues to develop into better to have several faculties and departments including:

1. Faculty of Economics: Department of Management, Accounting, Economics, Master Degree of Management, Doctoral Degree of Management, Economics Diploma, and Graduate Program
2. Faculty of Law: Department of Legal Studies, Master Degree of Legal Studies, Doctoral Legal Studies
3. Faculty of Islamic Studies: Department of Islamic Education, Islamic Law, Islamic Economics, and Master Degree of Islam
4. Faculty of Medicine: Department of Medical Education
5. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Department of Statistics, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmacist Profession, and Chemical Analyst Diploma
6. Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences Culture: Department of Psychology, Communication Studies, English Education Program, and the International Relations Program
7. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning: Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, and Civil Engineering Megister
8. Faculty of Industrial Technology: Department of Chemical Engineering, Information Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Master Degree of Industrial Engineering, and Master Degree of Technical Information
9. International Programs (IP)

visit Islamic Univeristy of Indonesia

     Pada tahun 1945 dalam sidang umum masjoemi diputuskan dibentuknya sekolah tinggi islam. Sidang umum ini dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh Islam, mereka adalah  Dr. Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Natsir, Mr. Mohamad Roem, dan KH. Wahid Hasjim. Keputusan untuk membentuk STI tepat pada tanggal 8 juli 1945 dan STI mulai melakukan belajar mengajar pada tanggal 28 juli 1945. Saat ini kampus terpadu UII berpindah ke Yogyakarta.
       Kini Universitas Islam Indonesia terus berkembang menjadi lebih baik hingga memiliki beberapa fakultas dan jurusan diantaranya :
         1.       Fakultas Ekonomi : Jurusan Manajemen, Akuntansi, Ilmu Ekonomi, S2 Manajemen, S3                       Manajemen, D3 Ekonomi, dan Program Pasca Sarjana
         2.       Fakultas Hukum : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum, S2 Ilmu Hukum, S3 Ilmu Hukum
         3.       Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam : Jurusan Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Islam, dan S2           Agama Islam
         4.       Fakultas Kedokteran : Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter
         5.       Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam : Jurusan Statistika, Ilmu Kimia, Farmasi,               Profesi Apoteker, dan D3 Kimia Analis
         6.   Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya : Jurusan Psikologi, Ilmu Komunikasi, Program                    Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, dan Program Hubungan Internasional
         7.       Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Arsitektur, Teknik Lingkungan,            dan Megister Teknik Sipil
         8.       Fakultas Teknologi Industri : Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Industri,                    Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, S2 Teknik Industri, dan S2 Teknik Informatika
          9.       Internasional Program (IP)

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