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Friday, March 6, 2015

[Indonesia][Technology][Search Engine] - or is the famous  and largest site search engine in the world. This search engine is made by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while still a student. Currently, Google has many excellent products and services such as google drive, gmail, google play, youtube, google translate, google crome, and google adsense. atau merupakan situs mesin pencarian terkenal dan terbesar di dunia. Mesin pencarian ini dibuat oleh Larry Page dan Sergey Brin saat masih menjadi mahasiswa. Saat ini, google memiliki banyak produk dan layanan unggulan seperti  google drive, gmail, google play, Youtube, google translate, google crome, dan google adsense.

                        Kunjungi google Indonesia atau google global.

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